Living – Life – Large with the Intrepid Explorer
Dan Abernathy November, 7, 2021 As we lift our heads and open our eyes we cannot hide from seeing that we as a nation, are stumbling out...
I Am Alive The Intrepid Explorer
I Am Alive I have found the light. I have found the crack and with a small bit of help and a slight nudge I have seen the light again....
Chronologies, Excerpts, Fragments and Reflections!
Chronologies, Excerpts, Fragments and Reflections! From the Artistic Journals of Dan Abernathy Impossible to Forget There is no reason to...
Chronologies, Excerpts, Fragments and Reflections!
Chronologies, Excerpts, Fragments and Reflections! From the Artistic Journals of Dan Abernathy The Human Bird The human faced bird...
Making A Choice - The Intrepid Explorer
Making A Choice and accomplishing your divine presence on earth. One day I woke and decided I was going to make a choice. I did. I left...
Chronologies, Excerpts, Fragments and Reflections!
Chronologies, Excerpts, Fragments and Reflections! From the Artistic Journals of Dan Abernathy With the impression of a stinging bite...
Living – Life – Large, With The Intrepid Explorer
Living – Life – Large, The Intrepid Explorer Dan Abernathy November, 7, 2021 As we lift our heads and open our eyes we cannot hide from...
Living – Life – Large, With The Intrepid Explorer
Living – Life – Large With The Intrepid Explorer Dan Abernathy October 25th, 2021 Way back in the wonder days of youth, when time was...