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to the chaotic and often strange life of a Quasi, Clumsy Spiritual Warrior, Dan Abernathy. This is the weekly Newsletter where I share with you my voice, be it in words, art, or my collections of oddities, fascinations, desires and obsessions. Here I will make available 98% of all my perspectives, be they fluid and random, meandering and incomplete, or things I have completed and offering. They other 2% I keep to himself, archived and a gift for the scholars and naysayers to decipher later on. This will all be delivered to you via the web, whether I am roaming the road in his converted 1991 International school bus, The Chool Bus, home in Pinedale, Wyoming or briefly hanging my hat in another dusty corner of the world.

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The Chaos Newsletter

The Sorta Weekly Newsletter of

Dan Abernathy

Number Two

May 22, 2017


Hello This Morning!

“The moment you allow comparison to drift into the occasion, no mater how beautiful or tranquil it may be, the miracle of the moment is compromised and lost.” - dbA


A Notable Image

 The Mystic Rubber Ducky at Mystic Hot Springs, Monrue, Utah.

Words Of Wisdom – Words of too Much Wisdom


50 Plus!

I’ve boldly stepped beyond the marker of a half-century and in doing so my mind accelerates with thought and contemplation, allowing many things to bloom with a new realization.

            1, Genuine friendship without consideration is rear and needs to be fostered.

            2, Never ask or assume that someone’s worth is what they bring to the table.

                 Just be filled with gratitude that they are at the table.

            3, The way you are, the way you live and the energy you give will be the energy you receive.

            4, There is nothing wrong with being alone. This is the time when the voice of reason

                 can best be heard.

            5, Being comfortable in all maters of who you are should be a main priority.

            6, Love is the trust gift that can be given and it should be done unconditionally.

                 It is something with no demands and when received should be accompanied

                 with gratitude.


It all boils down to a simple scenario, know when to pretend to be a fool in front of the ones pretending to be intelligent. Take chances, give everything that you can, kiss slowly, play hard, keep calmness close, forgive quickly, love often, protect your dreams and leave with no regrets. - dbA

New Chapbook

My Mind Has Forgotten to Age

Pre-Release Deal!! $5.00 with Free Shipping,

(The Chapbook will be $7.00 after release.)


Poetry from an Anti-Conformist and Outlaw Poet

As poetry is a passion, one new bit of fun I have been having is submitting my poetry to different literary journals, both online and printed collections. Last week I had two poems excepted by The Beatnik Poet, Coors in a Can and I’m Missing.

Please click on the links and have a read.


Featured Poem of the Week


The Vague and Unwilling

I tried to study reality

by using a mind

that was molded from

a concocted compound.


With uneasy questions

I learned

that this modus operandi

was being viewed

through a kaleidoscope

of someone else.


I recognize now,

that it is only the vague,

or few

that walk through this world

of distress

unwilling to do so

without false guidance

towards their own reality.

                                                 - dbA



My Mind Has Forgotten to Age, is the first Limited Edition, 333 signed and numbered, Chapbook in an unnumbered series categorized as, Chronologies – Excerpts – Fragments – Reflections, From The Journals of Dan Abernathy. Each of the 23 poems were documented after conception, in my journals as will as the drawings. The 13, drawings you will see are also, excerpts and fragment of a completed larger drawing. I have chosen to present them to you in this fashion, to leave a slight grain of mystical wonderment for the future.

Click Here to Order You Copy Today


New The Rune Series


I have started a Rune series. These are made from pounded copper ground wire with the runic inscription placed on the copper with small chisels. Each one has a large ring for the 32 inch treated chain and are approximately 2 inches long. $38.00


Runes are the ancient alphabet of the Norse. They are one of the ways to practice the art of divination. Runes are most often carved into stones, but other materials such as bones, wood or shells have also been used. There are 24 runes, but some include a blank rune, the Rune of Odin. There is an apparent link between the power of the mind, as well as other magical properties, which are represented by the symbology contained within each symbolic letter.


New Pieces from Chaos Creations

Bent, pounded and patina copper riveted, with handmade rivets, to a vintage pocket watch back. The silver, also self-riveted, is a tine from an antique sterling silver fork. The back is covered with recycled leather. Fastening hooks are handmade. Chain is treated copper. $98

Go to the Jewelry Store at  Chaos Creations to purchase this unique piece.

The Cards from

Chronologies – Excerpts – Fragments – Reflections
From The Journals of Dan Abernathy

You have seen these Cards online through various platforms of social media and they are now available online to purchase individually. They are also available for wholesale purchase. These professionally printed  cards come individually wrapped in a protective cover for, $6.00

and $1 Dollar from each purchase is being donated to Journy4youth 

A Grass-Roots Organization
Born From The Desire To Serve Humanity

Journey4YOUth is a nonprofit organization started by Brian and Katie Ernst to work alongside people to create long-term sustainable change that will benefit generations to come. The approach of organization is about empowerment as opposed to aid; the focus is, but not limited to, Educating Children, Empowering Woman and Investing in Community Elders. The families Journey4YOUth served formed a group and registered with the government of Kenya as the Orphans and Widows with Hope Self Help Group (OWH).
For more information and to get involved go to:

If you are interested in a wholesale purchase please contact for details. I will also add that the wholesale cards can be personalized for your business as well as your own charity.



Drawings, photographs, words and what have you, are all born from my thoughts. Seldom does a day pass that I do not work in my Journals, which have now become an archive of my past.


To you I will say: There is but one thing I know to be the absolute. In the world right now, death is my hunter. So I own no time but to live, for when I am captured, there will be no doubts and few regrets. – dbA


Click here, on Journals and visit more pages from my past.

Chronologies – Excerpts – Fragments – Reflections,

From The Journals of Dan Abernathy


I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.


I have updated my show calendar if you would like to see what Juried Art Festival I’ll be at for the rest of the year. Click on the Calendar link.

Free Shipping is now available on my books,

Looking For Security while Wearing a Loincloth

and I Don’t Shave on Sundays.

Click on Books to Order

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