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Greenback Cutthroat
- 1884 - Poster

Greenback Cutthroat
- 1884 - Poster


Colorado The Centennial State

Greenback Cutthroat
- 1884 - Poster

Colorful Colorado was nicknamed the "Centennial State" because it became a state in the year 1876, 100 years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Colorado is noted for its magnificent landscape scenery of mountains, forests, high plains, mesas, canyons, plateaus, rivers, and desert lands. It is a state known for healthy living fueled by fresh mountain air and plenty of sunshine.

    The Greenback Cutthroat Trout, was adopted as the official state fish on March 15, 1994, by an act of the General Assembly. The Rainbow Trout was considered the state fish from 1954 until 1994 but was never officially adopted. The Greenback Cutthroat Trout was at one time indigenous to many small creeks, streams and rivers throughout most of Colorado.

    I have combined antique maps with my version of stippling into my own creative perspectives. The background for this drawing of a Rocky Mountain Bighorn is on an original map of Colorado, published in 1884 in a Geo. F. Cram Mast, Atlas. It is 11 X 14 inches. 

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