Colorado Wild Horse - 1887
Colorado Wild Horse - 1887
Colorful Colorado was nicknamed the "Centennial State," because it became a state in the year 1876, 100 years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Colorado is noted for its magnificent landscape scenery of mountains, forests, high plains, mesas, canyons, plateaus, rivers and desert lands. It is a state known for healthy living, fueled by fresh mountain air and plenty of sunshine.
In 1971, Congress enacted the Wild Horse Act out of concern that wild horses were disappearing from the American scene, declaring that wild horses are living symbols of the historic and pioneer spirit of the West and contribute to the diversity of life forms within the Nation while enriching the lives of the American people. This Act for the free roaming horses became known as the, “Wild Horse Annie Act.” Wild horses are integral to the landscape. These horses are the living symbols of the historic and pioneer spirit of the West. As people made more and more demands on the land for livestock and human use, their numbers dwindled. Today, all wild horses need human help to survive.
I have combined an antique map with my version of stippling into my own creative perspectives. The background for this drawing of a wild horse is on an original large map of Colorado, published in 1887 in a Rand McNally Atlas.