Chronologies – Excerpts – Fragments – Reflections
From The Artistic Journals
of Dan Abernathy
No matter where I am, each morning, I open my journals and pour into them myself. These are my thoughts, ideas and contemplation of opinion or beliefs, all of which arrive from unlimited sources. Mind thoughts and dreams are our own, we see them invading the monarchy of Social Media, but they are ours in the conception of the beginning. I have chosen to share mine. Each word, prose or paragraph of the following excerpts are born on a page within my artistic journals.

Normal is nothing but an illusion deeply embedded from a source that is tethered to the false reality of another hidden oppressor. - dbA

There is a guiding voice deep within the person that you are. A voice that delivers a true clean sound that can always be trusted. But know that you cannot fill every piece of time you own, or this voice will not be heard. Quiet and calm yourself. Give yourself occasions for solitude and silence as to hear your inner guiding voice speaking to you. - dba

Musing from my Journals Number 1 One of the purposes of being is to not be to serious about the purpose. Number 2 Of all the marks we as humans leave on this earth, why do so many leave such hideous scars? - dbA

My Interests Everything has an extra piece. It is in this element where my interests reside. - dbA

Silence It seems as though it is when the silence starts getting loud, that the emotions invade your being. This is when we become the most vulnerable. This is when our demons wakeup and look. - dbA

As For Me Well... As for me, I tired of tight fitting cloths, rudeness, responsibility, socks and underwear a long time ago, but I still unreservedly enjoy strong coffee, morning sex and pancakes. - dbA

Dangerous Consequences There are dangerous consequences about to be witnessed as we watch the commencement of anarchy rain on all that is. We sit like stringless puppets and do nothing, but watch our politicians and rulers forget all moral principles as they degrade the living with false hope and deceit. -dbA

Is this my dream or my nightmare?

There is no beauty without strangeness.

Some of The Pages from The Journals of Dan Abernathy Can Be purchased as wall Art.
Gallery and ordering information coming Soon!