Contribute and Subscribe to the Chaos
With a courageous solicitation, I ask you to become part of a unique conglomeration of freethinking, free speaking individuals as well as the adventures I pursue and the frustrations I wrestle, all of which seem to continually spill forth in the form of art and words. Be part of my collision with art, pictures and the mind where freedom has a voice.
Contribute and Subscribe to the Chaos
With the purchase of any of the Found Images of the year, you become a “Supporter” and not only receive The Image of the Year, but will be mailed The Contributor, on the 1st of each published month, almost two weeks before the issue hits the streets.

2017 Found Image of the Year
Image Size 8 X 14
Mounted $100 Framed $150 Framed with Found Frame $175
Click Here to Purchuse and Contribute NOW!

2016 Found Image of the Year
Image Size 8 X 14
Mounted $100 Framed $150 Framed with Found Frame $175
Click Here to Purchuse and Contribute NOW!
2015 Found Image of the Year
Image Size 8 X 14
Mounted $100 Framed $150 Framed with Found Frame $175

2014 Found Image of the Year
Image Size 8 X 14
Mounted $100 Framed $150 Framed with Found Frame $175
Click Here to Purchuse and Contribute NOW!

2013 Found Image of the Year
Image Size 8 X 14
Mounted $100 Framed $150 Framed with Found Frame $175
Click Here to Purchuse and Contribute NOW!

2012 Found Image of the Year
Image Size 8 X 14
Mounted $100 Framed $150 Framed with Found Frame $175
Click Here to Purchuse and Contribute NOW!

2011 Found Image of the Year
Image Size 8 X 14
Mounted $100 Framed $150 Framed with Found Frame $175
Click Here to Purchuse and Contribute NOW!

Exclusively As A Contributor
and the annual contribution
of $100
You become a Contributor, Supporter as well as a Subscriber and will receive:
- The Found Image of the Year
mounted, signed
- A subscription to the newspaper
“The Contributor”
- Email notifications
- 13% discount on all of his art
and merchandise
- Be entered into the
Exclusive “Contributor”
monthly Art drawing
The Contributor Newspaper
A newspaper of free speech, created by and for “Free Thinking People.” The Contributor is a newspaper uninhibited by the restraints of corporate advertising as it highlights Opinion, Art, Travel and the Oddities that catch the eyes of the free thinker searching for something more in their quest for a pure hedonistic life.
Humbly I ask you to please contribute and subscribe to The Contributor. Become part of the sense of the nonsensical.
I Thank You
Dan Abernathy
The Contributor Newspaper subscription only, which includes email notifications, $42 annually.
Found Images
With unfound attention, Dan captures the Found Image, and saves it for eternity. His wish, is to give it back to you, to share it with countless others who have seen, embraced, and abandoned moments like this in the chaos of daily pursuits. Moments we’ve all found but never photographed. This is his Chaos, and you are welcome, and invited to Contribute to his success.
Found Images are just that, images found from looking through his unique eye as a photographer over the last 40-some-odd-years. These images are just as they were found; nothing has been altered, manipulated or moved into the camera’s frame or the final print.
“This ongoing collection of Found Images is shot in color with the camera that I constantly carry in a Crown Royal bag, tucked away but always at hand,” says Dan Abernathy. “With great pleasure I have captured these images and now I share them with you, the viewer.”
Art, Dan Abernathy writes, “is the product of conscious intention.” His Found Images are those sights uncreated by artist’s hand, but not ignored by artistic eye. The reflection of an airbrushed tank on a Harley Davidson, a girl standing on a dock for, but a moment, a once-dewy leaf in the bitter morning, and the amalgamation of mediums left from artistic projects on a desk.
Contributing to the Chaos is Dan’s means of sharing with you his Found Images and artistic philosophy. As friends, contributors will become as close to the artist as they desire, welcome to share his perspectives while backing his pursuit of art in the rush. A creative club of chaos is his aspiration for the clan. Dan hopes to inspire you through his work, to change your mind and relish the chaotic.
Dan lives a life of love, gratitude and compassion and does all he can to spiritually exude the way of the 7 Elements in the Essential Way. He believes in freedom and truly lives a nomadic lifestyle as he travels across the United States displaying and selling his art at juried art festivals. Traveling from show to show in a 1991-converted International school bus, dubbed the Chool Bus. This is home. Between shows you can find him building jewelry in the “studio” which is in the back of bus, making more art, writing and living life as large as he possibly can.
Become a supporter to his artistic voice, while connecting to a brave and beautiful world of infinite chaos. Come; find his zone of calmness, a unique and eclectic place where art, words and the mind collide. Be a part of his dare-to-disturb the universe and find one thousand ways and one thousand avenues to prod and shake the masses.
Here you will see a platform of random thoughts, often meandering, bizarre, but inspiring. Stimulating rants, words of praise, love, words of no meaning, and words of too much meaning. You will see and hear his creative voice, and witness his spiritual path. You will be exposed to a collection of oddities and fascinations - photographs, art, jewelry, desires, and obsessions – a road map of sorts; tracking a vagabond who walks in dreams of a pure, hedonistic life. This is a place to keep informed, not only of what’s happening in his life, but also what is igniting the gray matter of his mind. Here, there are no rules! By entering you will be witness to his thoughts and inspirations. You will find this venture entertaining and filled with wonderment. Dan hopes to inspire you through his work, to challenge your mind and relish the chaotic. In turn, he hopes to find a muse in you, the dear patron.

2010 Found Image of the Year
Image Size 8 X 14
Mounted $100 Framed $150 Framed with Found Frame $175
Click Here to Purchuse and Contribute NOW!

2009 Found Image of the Year